Cameroon & Germany, Frankfurt-City

Master and Hen

(a story by Ingrid: to be read aloud)

The mastser sprang with an enormous leap from his bed …………………. with an enormous leap from his bed ………. with an enormous ……….. leap …………….. from his bed… from ………….his bed ………… bed ………… enormous leap from ……… withanenormousleapfromhis bed ………enormous leap enormous leap from his bed …………. with an enormous leap from his bed.

The hen had first jumped up high and sat on the chest of the sleeping master. It had cackled and again cacackled, but couldn’t wake the sleeper. Meanwhile the fire burned higher and higher, then the hen in its despair hacked on the nose of its master. He awoke and sprang with an enormous leap from his bed. From this day on master and hen lived 20 years more together, and the hen laid every day

an egg. (Now continue to read softly)

S + I, we told of our two grandmothers, one from the western mountain country of Cameroon, the other from the hessian Vogelsberg, lying on the edge of the Wetterau. The relationship between grandmothers and their chickens surprised us. They resembled each other a lot, whether in Africa or in Europe. Women and chickens knew from each other. They shared a kind of everyday life with reciprocal needs and rules. We conducted the conversation in the context of an investigation by Greenpeace, which was inquiring into the bio qualities of ALDI eggs. How GOODBIO are the eggs from Aldi, here with Aldi North? The results of the study were amazing. Customers in Hamburg and elsewhere actually got premium quality eggs from ALDI North ….Goodbio eggs….best quality, because premium feed. But, our voices changed, became quieter, how was it for the chickens as bird animals? From the Greenpeace study we learned that the chickens were torture-squeezed chicken to chicken…chicken…chicken 30,000 times. Factory farming, battery cages…. the chicken as creature without counterpart. And humans alienated from their needs? That was what made us anxious. That one infects the other. Humans alienated from themselves, if they eat the tormented creation???

Sandrine Nraye-Kpoumie & Ute Wannig, Frankfurt 15.12.2017

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